Adults and Couples
I work with individual adults and couples. I am passionate about supporting individuals as they strengthen their self-reflective capacities and navigate life's transitions. My work with couples includes and extends beyond issues of parenting, often addressing styles of attachment and connection that are established early in life. I support couples to deepen their attunement to one another and find their way out of patterns of relating that leave them feeling stuck or disconnected.
Early Childhood
I work with children 0–5 and have specialized training in Child Parent Psychotherapy (CPP). CPP is an empirically validated treatment that aims to support and strengthen the relationship between a child and their caregiver as a vehicle for restoring the child's sense of safety, attachment, and appropriate affect and improves the child's cognitive, behavioral, and social functioning. I have a background in Early Childhood Education and have served as a consultant for individual children and classrooms.
School Aged Children
I work with school aged children and provide individual and family treatment, depending on the needs of the child and family. In therapy with children, play is a language used to help children express their inner worlds. Therapy can help children to develop a more robust sense of self-awareness, increase their self-regulation skills, authentically and positively impact their self-esteem, and improve their social, emotional, and behavioral functioning across contexts. I usually meet with caregivers initially before meeting their child and encourage participation in collateral meetings as often as indicated. I seek to understand your child as a whole, not merely a diagnosis or label.
Adolescents are faced with the task of navigating the major life transition from childhood into becoming a young adult. In this transition many adolescents and their families are faced with daunting challenges. This can often be one of the most difficult times of parenting and adolescents today navigate some challenges in our digital age that their caregivers didn't. Often families find themselves at a loss with their adolescent, concerned about their emotional and psychological well-being or safety and unable to extend the comfort and connection they once felt capable of providing. I work with adolescents to support their development by recognizing the power and potency of this time in their lives as well as the social, academic, and societal pressures many navigate. I work with caregivers to think about age-appropriate boundaries and to support them as they navigate this new stage of parenting. I help adolescents together with their families to overcome the power struggles that are common in this stage of development and balance the need to take risks as a part of growth, while staying safe and connected.
I work with families across the span of childhood and at times work intimately with parents or caregivers when providing individual psychotherapy to their children. I work with caregivers to disrupt intergenerational patterns of trauma, at times supporting caregivers to provide their children with connected relational experiences they themselves weren't provided. I see families as an integral system and my work is always in service of supporting and enriching the familial relationships that are the most central and vital to the children I see.
I have supervised and lead ongoing trainings at Through the Looking Glass, a community mental health clinic that specializes in providing services for families with a child or caregiver who has a disability. I have experience working with families with a variety of physical, learning, neurological, or developmental disabilities and focus on providing services grounded in a deeply respectful and empowering approach, informed by the framework of disability culture.